
PPC Intake Form

Please fill out the form below to help us get to work on your marketing.

PPC Intake Form

    What is your website's address?

    What is your No. 1 priority to get out of your PPC campaigns?
    Build your brand recognitionDrive qualified leadsGain more site trafficTurn traffic into sales/donationsOther

    What is your target audience age range?

    Who is your target audience?

    What keywords have you focused on in the last 12 months?

    Are you interested in any new keywords? What are they?

    What are your top services/products you are looking to promote?

    What is the primary target location for your campaign?

    What is the secondary target location for your campaign?

    How much are you looking to spend every month on your ads?
    $200-$500 per month$500-$750 per month$750-$1000 per month$1000+ per monthLet's discuss what would work best!

    What accounts do you currently run ads through and/or have access to?
    Google Adwords (Google Ads)Facebook/Instagram AdsLinkedIn AdsBing AdsOther