
Audience is the Key to Your Site Focus

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Audience is the Key to Your Site Focus

Customers visiting your website are hard to get an understanding of. What is their intended purpose of their visit, and who are they? If you work hard to know your customers you can get a good feeling of what they want when visiting your website. In the design field this is known as targeting your audience.  Start with making a list of potential and existing client types that you envision visiting your web site. Then select from this list which client types are the most important to your business. We will call this your primary audience. It is also good to pick a secondary and tertiary audience, as well.


If you don’t already have a grasp of whom these audiences are, it is especially crucial when looking to develop a new website or redesign. When you come into a project kick-off meeting and you are already prepared with this knowledge, it will drive the focus of your website and content. The more you know your audiences the easier it will be to sell your product or service. Therefore every time the customer visits your website, it is like going the extra mile for your customers, without doing the extra work. Trust me your customers will appreciate it.


Some things to consider about your website audiences:

  • Age
  • Sex
  • Economic Class
  • Technical Ability
  • Existing/Potential Client

These demographics of your primary audience will give us the overall focus we need to design and build your website to fit your Target Audience. A good digital web agency will know how to keep the focus on your audiences by the use of this demographic information.

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