
Display Ads – When You Need More Than Words!

Times Square Marketing
Display Ads – When You Need More Than Words!

More than words is all I ever needed you to show 
Then you wouldn’t have to say that you love me 
‘Cause I’d already know


Ahh, yes. Extreme’s heartfelt acoustic ballad “More Than Words” shot to the top of the charts in 1991, thanks in part to the melancholy, reflective lyrics (quoted in part above). Everyone can relate to the frustration of feeling like words just aren’t enough sometimes, and lines such as, What would you say if I took those words away / Then you couldn’t make things new / Just by saying I love you, captured this sentiment perfectly.


Obviously, Extreme didn’t write this song with Google AdWords in mind, but the point still rings true! When your business has an amazing promotion to offer your clients, a simple text ad about the offer might lack the “pizzazz” it deserves. Or perhaps you’re in a highly visual industry where the ability to show potential customers your products is key. Not only do Google Display Ads provide an easy way to utilize graphics and images in your online advertising, but they also allow you to reach new potential clients in more ways and locations than traditional AdWords Text Ads.


In case you’re not quite familiar with Google AdWords in general, here’s a quick breakdown of the two main types of advertising available with Google:


  • Text / Search Ads
    • Displayed as “sponsored” listings at the top of relevant search results
    • Include a link to your website and a short summary
    • Can target keywords or search phrases for which your website might not otherwise appear in results
      • For example: A bank could configure their ads for “Mortgages” to appear in search results for “Homes for Sale.”
    • Appear exclusively in search results for the targeted keywords / related keywords


  • Display Ads
    • Displayed as one of a variety of “banner” style ads depending on the ad location/placement
    • Include the name of your business, a short summary, and whatever images and graphics you choose to include
    • Can target demographics and/or interests based on your preferred audience
      • For example: A bank could target their ads for “Mortgages” on users between 25-34 who browse real estate websites
    • Appear throughout the internet on any website included in the “Google Display Network”, and/or in Gmail inboxes, YouTube videos, and mobile apps


Both Text / Search Ads and Display Ads are billed the same way — a maximum daily or monthly budget is set, and the ad account is charged only if and when the ad is clicked (hence the term “Pay-Per-Click”).


The Google Display Network is a database of over two million websites and 650,000 mobile apps; Display Ads are eligible to appear on any of these websites or apps, but the targeting settings for each ad helps ensure that they will appear on the most relevant websites within the network. Furthermore, users who do visit your website may see your ads appear on any other website they visit that’s within the Display Network.


As such, the most significant difference between Search Ads and Display Ads — aside from the obvious visual differences — is that display ads do not require a user to perform a search in order to appear. Instead, they will more than likely appear on the websites that your target audience is already using on a regular basis.


If you already happen to have an AdWords account set up, it’s quite easy to add Display Ads to your current marketing strategy. If you don’t, no worries! We can work with you to define your target audience(s) and establish your account. Let’s get the conversation started!


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