
Duluth School District Joins Local Businesses/Public to Raise Funds For Duluth Homeless Youth

Duluth School District Joins Local Businesses/Public to Raise Funds For Duluth Homeless Youth

Families in Transition


Duluth, MN — Our local kids need their community’s help. And fast. With the homelessness and increased opioid use among top issues in the state, our own local children are being impacted far more than we realize.


Duluth Public Schools currently have 400+ homeless students on a regular basis. launched their new website and online fundraising campaign to help support these homeless youth.


The mission of Duluth’s Schools Families in Transition Program is to prevent students who are experiencing homelessness from losing ground academically and to provide them with support to navigate the area services available to them.’s goal is to raise $1,000 before December 31, 2018 to buy city bus passes and grocery cards for the homeless students to help provide some structure for our local students until they can find stable living situations.


Please visit for more details and donation options.

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