For many businesses, summer marks the “slow season.” Both your clients and your employees leave for vacation, the kids are home from school, and the sunny, warm weather beckons you away from your desk. Of course, some industries experience just the opposite: landscapers, resorters, contractors, and restaurateurs — just to name a few — will stay busy from Memorial Day to Labor Day.
No matter your industry, the summer season can make it difficult to stay on track with your digital marketing efforts. Many businesses even tend to “take a break” from marketing efforts in the summer months — whether they intend to or not. Maybe it seems like it’s not worth the effort. Everyone’s outside enjoying the summer anyway, right?
Well, in the modern digital marketing age, it’s important to remember that your ability to reach clients is greater than ever. Yes, your clients might be at the cabin or relaxing by the pool, but odds are good that their smartphones are still close at hand! Now, maybe you thought, “well, sure, but nobody wants to spend their summer afternoons looking at advertisements or browsing search results.” You’re exactly right! That’s why the key to a successful summer marketing strategy is to get a little creative and incorporate your marketing into the summer activities your clients enjoy.
This is where mobile apps present a great opportunity. While many social media channels see a decrease in activity over the summer, Instagram sees a jump. It makes sense — between great weather, family vacations, and spending time with friends, everyone wants to capture and share these fun moments. As such, an Instagram photo contest sponsored by your business allows you to help your clients share and celebrate their summer fun, while establishing a positive impression of your brand.
Another benefit of photo contests is that they’re easy to manage. Simply decide on a basic “theme” or requirement for the contest — best barbecue photo, Fourth of July photo, summer photos of your local area, et cetera — and pick a unique “hashtag.” (To ensure your hashtag is unique, a good bet is to include the current year, such as #FasterSolutions2018.) Your followers will use this hashtag to enter their photos in the contest. Publish some posts announcing the contest and explaining the rules and prizes, engage with your followers by commenting on, liking, and sharing their photos, and offer a big CONGRATS to the winner!
Instagram photo contests are just one way your business can keep its digital marketing on track during the summer months. We’d love to work with you on developing other fun, creative ideas for your business! Let’s get the conversation started!