
Is Your Outdated Website Costing You Money?

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Is Your Outdated Website Costing You Money?

If you agree with more than 1 of these statements, chances are your company’s website is costing you money.

Top 10 Signs You Should Consider A Redesign:

Web navigation confusing users

Do you have confused users?

  1. Your website was developed many years ago.
  2. You aren’t seeing any business being generated from your website.
  3. Your website is not compatible with different browsers, it takes too long to load or it is built entirely in Flash.
  4. People can’t find your website using search engines like Google or Bing.
  5. Your content is outdated or repetitive.
  6. There is just too much clutter throughout your website. When you first visit your website, what is brought to your attention?
  7. Your website has disorganized navigation and naming conventions.
  8. Your business has changed.
  9. Your competitor’s websites are more advanced.
  10. Your site is very costly or difficult to update.

In conclusion, you only get one first impression so make it count the first time. Your website is available to the world 24/7, 365 days a year, so make your website unique!  Your website can be a great asset to your company, for example it can:

  • Increase profits
  • Reach new markets with a global audience
  • Improve customer service
  • Provide instant gratification to customers


Ask yourself this:  Would you buy your product or services based on your current website?

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