
Quick Tips to Boost your SEO

Laptop with notes and charts
Quick Tips to Boost your SEO

Owning a business means juggling several responsibilities — you probably wear several different “hats” in a single day. You probably know that you should pay a little more attention to your digital marketing, but you just don’t have the time. We get it! To help keep you on track, we have a few tips for quick ways to boost your website’s SEO and maintain your search result rankings.


#1: Freshen Up Your Content

While one of the best things you can do for your SEO is to produce new content, revision of existing content can help as well. Take a few minutes to review some pages on your site that you haven’t looked at recently. Does it use up-to-date terms and references? Is any of the information obsolete or outdated? Are any specific dates or events mentioned? Updating existing content usually doesn’t take long, but can go a long way in keeping your website relevant.


Not only will Google recognize the updated information the next time it “crawls” your website, but furthermore, it will record the fact that you’re making updates to old pages — meaning your site may be crawled more frequently in the future. The more often your website is crawled, the faster you can jump to the top of search results.



#2: Check In on Social Media

Remember: some social media activity is better than no social media activity. Take a few minutes to log in and check on your page. Any messages from your followers that you haven’t responded to? Any comments or questions you haven’t answered? While having a social media presence is a great start, it’s engaging with your audience that really goes a long way (and doesn’t take long!).


Plus, many social media networks, particularly Facebook, make it easy to create posts in advance and schedule them for a particular date. So if you find yourself with a free hour or two, you can compose and schedule your social media posts for the next few weeks!



#3: Take Notes, Build Your SEO Strategies

Perhaps you’re in the midst of your busy season, and need to spend so much time with customers that marketing is on the back burner. However, you can start to establish a foundation for future marketing strategies as you work and communicate with your clients face-to-face.


Consider the following in your interactions with customers: what questions do they ask? What products or services are they most excited about? What feedback do they offer? If you begin to notice strong trends among your existing customers, odds are good that your potential customers think the same way.



#4: Collect Reviews & Testimonials

To piggyback on #3, here’s another great way to boost your marketing while you interact with your customers. Studies show that online shoppers trust online reviews as much as if not more than reviews from family and friends. So when you have a great interaction with a customer, ask them to leave you an online review!


Depending on your industry, some review platforms might make more sense than others. While just about every business benefits from positive reviews on their Google listing, you might also consider directing your clients to TripAdvisor (lodging and dining; tourism), Angie’s List (contractors and professional services), Facebook (any business with a strong social media presence), and/or Yelp! (mainly lodging and dining, but covers other industries as well).



#5: Find and Fix Your SEO Errors & Issues

In order to track and index virtually every website in the world, Google automates the vast majority of the processes that determine a website’s ranking in search results. This means that seemingly small errors or issues can effect your SEO in big ways, as they may cause these automated systems to flag your website in certain ways.


But there’s good news! Many of these issues can be identified and resolved with relative ease. Take advantage of our Free SEO Audit for a free report and analysis on how your website is performing and recommendations on how to improve your SEO. And of course, we’d be more than happy to help get your website in tip-top shape! Contact us today to learn more.


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