As the ball drops tonight, we’ll all be thinking one similar thing: We made it. The year 2020 tried to take us, but we made it to the end, and for many of us, we’re stronger and better than ever. But at Faster Solutions, we don’t want to dwell on the negatives of 2020. While we navigated a pandemic, Zoom Meeting connectivity issues, and dogs barking their input at our virtual staff meetings, we also saw the strength of all of our clients.
As we all began working from our home offices in March, we didn’t know what our local businesses would look like in the coming months, let alone our clients. But we saw a surge of #ShopLocal campaigns in local communities. The caring people behind websites were ready and eager to add updates to their web pages with local resources and updates.
Restaurants began offering takeout and delivery services, with online menus and ordering systems to boot.
Our clients in the tourism industry hung on tight, often becoming a beacon for their own communities as much as they were for potential visitors. And as residents began to feel comfortable to once again take road trips, our tourism clients welcomed them with sanitary facilities and top-notch cleaning protocols.
Those in the healthcare industry navigated emergencies that they never prepared for, and questions they never thought they would have to ask or answer. Our legal clients answered questions, ranging in everything from eligibility for new aid, to end-of-life planning in case of the worst-case scenarios. And, as so many people found themselves in such close quarters together, there may have been some divorce inquiries, too.
And those clients of ours who work in the industrial industry just kept on keeping on — keeping our infrastructure up to date, our communities safe, and completing projects.
At Faster Solutions, we thank you for hanging on with us through 2020. Our tourism clients saw visitors, even from shorter distances away. Our medical clients saw the return of elective operations. Local chambers of commerce and businesses reopened their doors, even to smaller capacities and more masks. And along the way, Faster Solutions thanks you for letting us help. We loved working on your marketing plans and on your website updates. We were happy to meet you on screen-shares, even though we eagerly await the day we can meet in our office with a fresh pot of coffee.
In 2021, we look forward to continuing to strengthen your website statistics and marketing plans. We can’t wait to bring you new and exciting marketing trends, the freshest website updates, and the development experts who you have come to trust. And, just maybe, we’ll be able to meet face-to-face once again, with a fresh pot of coffee waiting.