
Tips for Finding the Perfect Holiday Gift

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Tips for Finding the Perfect Holiday Gift

Here are a few basic ground rules to remember when searching for a gift for Dad, or anyone else who makes Holiday gift buying challenging.

  1. Every word matters, and generally all the words put into your query will be used.
  2. Searches are case insensitive, i.e. [Christmas Gift for Dad] will be the same as [christmas gift for dad].
  3. Punctuation is generally ignored, so there is no need to search for “THE BEST GIFT EVER!!!!!!!!”

For better searches:

  • Keep it simple. For example: “Help me find a gift for my father-in-law because the last three years I’ve gotten him socks” may not be the best thing to type into the Google search box. Instead try this: “Best father-in-law gifts”.
  • Think how the page you are looking for will be written and search using the words most likely to appear on the page. Instead of “cheap things to give people” try searching for “low-priced gifts” because that is a term that an article on shopping is more likely to use.
  • Describe what you need with as few terms as possible. The goal of each word is to focus the search appropriately.
  • Choose descriptive words. The more unique the word being search, the more likely you are to get relevant results. Think “gift for golfing father-in-law”.

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