
Top Four Marketing Trends We’re Excited for in 2021

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Top Four Marketing Trends We’re Excited for in 2021

In 2021, marketing is looking brighter and cooler than ever. Check out these trends that we’ve been working hard to implement for our business clients, turning that hard work into success.


  1. More micro-influencers
    Does this mean that Faster Solutions is going to hire Kylie Jenner to promote your business on her Instagram feed tomorrow?
    Not quite — sorry. But we’re finding that Kylie’s schedule, cost for sponsorship, not to mention the logistics, maybe too overwhelming to handle, anyway.
    Instead, turn to the experts in your community. A quick, 3-minute interview with the lead specialist at your hospital can be enough to convince the community to schedule a consultation.
    Hearing from an expert behind the scenes at your industrial company will give your customer a unique, inside look. Or, reach out to those outside of your business — get expert voices from your community to show outreach and connectivity!
  2. Video, video, video
    Did you notice us mentioning video usage — a lot — above? That wasn’t by accident. Video has become so prevalent, experts say that the public has come to expect it by now — from companies of all sizes, large and small.
    Video isn’t just engaging, it provides a virtual experience. Whether you can get your hands on a drone or a GoPro, or just use your smartphone to grab a minute or so of footage, our team at Faster Solutions can help edit that footage to give your clients something educational, enjoyable and engaging. Place that video on your landing page, and experts estimate it can increase your conversions by up to 80 percent.
  3. Marketing Automation
    At Faster Solutions, we can help you manage multiple marketing channels from one platform, with targeted messaging. For example, let’s say the holidays are coming up. We can send directed messaging about your spectacular holiday specials via multiple marketing channels. Let’s say one of those marketing channels is an email send to your clients and prospects. We can monitor who opened that first email send, then send a more personalized, targeted email, to just the people who opened the email!
    We’re not only streamlining the whole marketing process. We’re maximizing the conversions with as little work as possible.
    Or, let’s say you’d like to send every client who experiences your team’s shining customer service a text message, asking them to consider leaving a Google review. We can help you with that as well! The opportunities are endless, and we’re excited to help you!
  4. Chat Bots
    We know: Everyone has had a bad chatbot experience. You visit a business’ website with one simple inquiry. The chatbot announces it cannot help you. Now you’re left looking for another way to find your answer.
    At Faster Solutions, we know that the most successful chatbot experience comes from every other way we find success: creating the best content.
    We’ll work with you to analyze your most-visited pages, your most popular services, and the biggest marketing needs. From there, we can find exactly what your client wants — or needs — when they visit your website.
    We can also work to make your new automation system direct your customer to the right place, so the conversation with the chatbot does what you need, and what your customer needs, improving conversions and customer satisfaction at the same time.


Join us in 2021 for one or all of these great new marketing trends, and we’ll continue helping bring you success! Follow Us on Linkedin for Our Tuesday Tips and stay Up To Date! 


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