
Why Your Business NEEDS to Start Blogging

Search engine optimization for blogging
Why Your Business NEEDS to Start Blogging

Blogging has become a must  in the digital marketing world. Some companies haven’t adopted this marketing tactic yet, simply because they don’t understand the benefits of it. There are several reasons any business should start blogging: it helps increase a websites SEO, traffic, credibility, and it’s free!


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Search Engine Optimization (SEO):
  • Blogs are a big way, (if not the biggest) way to increase your website’s SEO! Search engine rankings used to increase to focus on how many certain keywords were used in an article, a.k.a keyword stuffing.  With Google’s various updates, search engines now place more weight on fresh and relevant content instead. You still want to include keywords in your content, but make sure that they make sense in your post. Also, ensure the entire blog post is optimized. One way to do this is by having a title for any photos included because it will help the blog post rank higher when a user is searching for a relevant topic!
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Increases traffic:
  • Your blog allows you to easily update content that is relevant for your customers. It is imperative to have your blog post be linked back to your website in order to drive more traffic. Looking for even more traffic to your website? Be sure to post fresh blog articles on all social media platforms, as this is a great way to garner new subscribers and gives your followers an easy way to share your content with others! Another way you can help increase traffic to your blog posts is announcing them in an email send to your subscribers. This is a great way to keep an active subscription list for your product or service. You can also measure how your sends are doing and use that data to analyze your blog posts.

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Establishes credibility:
  • Well-written articles will help your company look like a reliable thought leader and expert on the topics you write about. By creating content around these topics, you are providing proof of knowledge and gaining the trust of your readers. It also gives your company a voice and a great place to talk about any new products or services.
It’s FREE:
  • Companies spend a lot of money on different digital marketing tactics. Think about how much your company spends on social media marketing, PPC campaigns, etc! Do your company a favor and be sure to blog, because honestly, you can’t afford NOT to! It is a free way to boost your SEO, increase your traffic, and develop credibility! Why wouldn’t you want to promote all of those things!? Blogging can be a time-consuming task, but the time is definitely worth it!



s your company lacking in the blog department? Having trouble keeping your blog updated due to limited time and resources? Our marketing experts can help by writing the content for your company’s blog! Contact us today!




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